An Integrative Approach

The next level of coaching is here!

An integrative approach will move you from simply counseling and encouraging to fully equipping and empowering yourself to make effective changes in your life. By looking at the areas of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness, you will be supported to overcome core issues, develop personal action plans, and help them move effectively toward achieving your goals.

Are You Looking to…

Get unstuck in your personal or professional life?  

Feel happier and find more clarity and meaning?

Overcome your fear and anxiety that keeps you from experiencing your happiest, highest self?

This Is How I Can Help…

Teach you practical tools on  how to manage your stress and unexpected life events.
Help you to overcome the blocks and patterns that keep you stuck.
Live the life you have been yearning for, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Lori Schlotzhauer

Personal/Life Coach-Executive and Career Coach-Resilience and Stress Reduction Workshop Leader


Hello! I’m Lori. I have the great honor of helping people like you achieve meaningful and lasting change in their personal and work lives — and find more resilience and fulfillment in every single day. With over 15 years of experience in this field, I have a proven track record of guiding my clients towards their own definition of success. I have helped hundreds of individuals discover deep, sometimes hidden patterns and work through their anxiety, depression and a variety of life transitions. Let’s face it, life is precious, and none of us has a minute to waste! 

Change – or the prospect of it – can be really stressful. Add the stress coming at us from all directions, and it is just so easy to get stuck. Work with my clients sometimes begins with a unique blend of tools and techniques for stress reduction (think meditation, breath and energy work.) Then once clients feel more clarity around what they want to change, we develop a customized path to help get there. On the personal side that could mean navigating loss or unexpected events or simply showing up better for themselves or their loved ones. On the business side I help entrepreneurs, executives, and other leaders make tough decisions, navigate challenging times, crush fears, and achieve a satisfying work-life balance. Resilience and stress management training for organizations rounds out my practice. I think I have the best job in the world.

I hold a certification in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)  from the University of California-San Diego, a Master of Physical Therapy from Regis University, and a Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications from the University of Central Missouri.

Let’s work together to build your resilience, better manage stress, and help you achieve the change you desire!


Lori Schlotzhauer, MSPT and Qualified MBSR at Health+Harmony

Lori Schlotzhauer
Coach and Mentor

From my heart....

My personal journey toward healing began in my late twenties when I began to experience anxiety and an overall feeling of despair. I also found myself in a very unhealthy relationship. So, I understand what it’s like to feel emotional pain and to feel “stuck”.

As a physical therapist I began seeing the need for my patients to be treated as a “whole” being with a focus on excellent care. In 2006, I opened Health+Harmony Wellness in Denver CO to begin this journey of treating each patient on an individual, more integrative basis. At the time, I was strictly treating physical therapy patients on the physical level. I realized that the symptoms that patients were coming in with often corresponded to a stressful event that they were experiencing at the time.

All the while, my internal journey had become an integral part of my own life. I realized the benefits of mindfulness and meditation and the benefits that it was bringing to all aspects of my life: relationships, career and health.  As I mentioned earlier, I had found myself not only in an unhealthy personal relationship but also an unhealthy business environment as well as suffering from the devastating symptoms of Lyme disease.  All of these caused me much anxiety, fear, frustration and despair.  I knew that I needed to dive deep into my lifelong patterns that I held inside of me that I didn’t even know existed but were creating certain outcomes in my life. I set out on a journey of self-discovery and medical care. I traveled to India to an ashram for two weeks, I studied under a mentor and ended up teaching mindfulness and personal development techniques for over 13 years. 

In 2021, I became certified in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR). This is a secular (non-religious) program that was started by Jon Kabat-Zinn in 1979 and now is being offered all over the world.  The completion of this program allows me to combine my love of science and knowledge of the physical body with my passion for meditation.  It is now my mission to share this integrated knowledge to all of the clients that I serve, in person and around the globe, helping them find a life of happiness and fulfillment. To finally live with a sense of empowerment. 

 I am now resilient and courageous (and symptom-free 🙂 ), crucial traits that I have honed through my personal life challenges and as a small business owner for nearly two decades.  Because of the challenges that I have confronted and the obstacles that I have overcome in my own life, this has shaped my approach, enabling me to be a deeply understanding and accepting coach and mentor. 

Please know that I truly understand how emotional stress and deep-seeded patterns can create things in life that we don’t really “want” but we find ourself there, whether it be physical or emotional pain (because I’ve been there!)   If you are ready to dive deep and are committed to your success and transformation, I will support and guide you in  your career obstacles, help you create better relationships and show you what is truly possible for you in your life.  I will hold a place of hope and possibility for you even when you can’t see it yet.  

Feel free to reach out to me directly at: or 720-218-9064.


Health and Harmony Wellness Studio Denver 2022 Award

Denver Wellness Studio Award 2022

Health and Harmony Mindfulness Training Alternative Medicine Denver 2022 Award
Denver Alternative Medicine Award 2023